Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Part 2 and 3 of Final Project

Creating a Google Form for your survey:
- Go to google.drive (make sure you are signed into your school account)
- At the top left of the screen click "New", scroll down to "More"
-Select "Google Forms" (with Purple Square)

Part II

Part III 

Choose a format to present the problem, evidence, causes, effects, and your solutions

  • Letter of Proposal for more funding
              example Letter of Proposal (sample Letter & Rubric included)

  • Feature article
                sample feature article on anorexia
  • Brochure (with the following elements  in the chart Below)
                         example brochure & educational quiz (cyberbullying)
  • Infographic (digital poster)  (with the following elements  in the chart Below)
                      example infographic healthy eating
                       Design your own infographic at canva.com

  • Powerpoint   (with the following elements  in the chart Below)

                           example educational powerpoint (teen temptation)

  • Video  (with the following elements  in the chart Below)

Your project should include

Problem / Issue of Concern
  • Question you are exploring
  • & Definition and / or  description of the problem
  • Who is affected (statistics)
  • reasons for choosing (why is this important to investigate)
Evidence & Research
  • Extent of problem To what extent is this an issue? (statistics)
  • Reasons / causes / influences to this problem (data and research )
  • Effects: short & long term effects on students (physical, mental, psychological, effect on community, other…)
  • Next Steps …. Creative Message:Why is this information important to know? What specific steps do we need to take? Recommendations?
  • Why? What is at Risk if we don’t take these steps?
(graphs, pictures, pie charts,statistics in large font)
Personal Reflection (on back)
  • What did you research answer? What questions are left? What would you do differently?
Works Cited list
see example
Final Examples of projects