Monday, September 26, 2016


Today you will be grading / evaluating portions of memoirs. 

Make a copy of the grading memoirs document

Make sure you are signed in with
  1. Make a copy of this document and name it ____(per) ____name grading memoirs
  2. Spend 10 minutes reading through the partial memoirs below by yourself.
  3. Find a partner and grade each memoir using the grading scale below and give 5 -8 comments on each memoir justifying your grade. To make comments, hit CNTRL + ALT + M or go to insert comment.
  4. You and your partner may work on the same document, but you each have to make comments on the document.
Sample comments are in the document and the 8 memoirs you are grading are below the comments in the document. 

Due at the end of the period. 

Memoirs should be done by Monday, October 3, 2016 at the beginning of class. 

Final Rubric - please cut and paste the rubric portion into your paper. 

1. Homework - Editing your memoir 

  • In Purple - add 3 reflective statements to your memoir (3-5)
reflective questions and comments 
  • list 5 things you want to describe more descriptively in your memoir (use lists, references to a memory giving backstory, cultural or historical allusions, uncommon descriptions that give your reader pause) 
  • In Blue - 5 sections ( a couple of sentences) of Sensory details
sensory details 

  • Emotions - what 3 emotions did you experience during the event and where do you show this? 

Using Dialogue to show Emotion 

We will begin writing groups to help improve our own and each other's writing.

2. As you read your group member’s paper, add 2 places where they could reflect (show insight, emotion, realizations) 

Use one of the following comments in the document to help them add specific reflection

Add what you liked about a line, or description that they should keep doing

Now add 2 questions where they can expand their description with sensory details 

Emotions List

Discuss the rubric with your co-pilot. What elements do you have?

Attribute of memoir writing
1. Structure: An interesting introduction  captures attention. Events in the narrative (story) are logically organized and clearly described.
2. Language: Strong dialogue or description draws the reader into the story. The writer includes sensory details, figurative language, and strong verbs, and dialogue that reveal the feelings and thoughts behind the experience.
3. Reflection: The writer acknowledges the significance of the incident directly or indirectly that reveal the insights and emotions associated with the event.
4. Written consistently in the first person. Is free from grammar/spelling errors.
5. Is 700-800 words in length

2. Flashback: Takes the reader back to the moment/experience/ feeling in the past 

slow down time and bring the reader into the experience 

Time Shift: Shifting from flashback to present or future.


  • I remember when...
  • There was once a time when I...
  • It was 2011 when...
Time Shift:
  • Later that day...
  • As the days passed...
  • Now that time has passed it's clear...

3.  Reflection - Make a copy of this document (you have to be logged in to your to view this)

or make copy of this document    Reflection 

With your co-pilot..... Look at the examples of reflection.

Write a definition of reflection in your notebook.

Write down 5 words or phrases that tell you the author is reflecting from the examples.

Memoir needs an element of reflection that explains how this event changed the writer's thoughts. This is significance. What did you learn from the experience. These realizations can be direct, telling your reader your insight, or indirect, slow realizations that something is happening and being learned. These help readers relate to your experience even if they haven't had the same exact experience.

You can reveal the significance either directly or indirectly.

  • Direct - telling your reader what you learned at the end
  • Indirect - sprinkling observations about yourself, other people, life, the world THROUGHOUT the memoir

 Try some of these sentence starters to help you reveal the significance in your memoir:
  • In hindsight...
  • Today, I am…
  • Now that the years have passed, it is clear...

4. Add moments of reflection in your own memoir

Examples of good organized description, ready for more reflection

The Ocean 2nd draft

The Italian Journey 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Writing & editing memoir

Underneath your memoir, please include the following

A. Ask a co-pilot to your your memoir and answer these 3 questions 
  • What more do you want to know?
  • What are you confused about? What am I not saying?
  • What do you like?

B. Include context (setting, surrounding events influencing your memoir)

C. What is your purpose (To reflect, To question, to learn..... about _____ in order to have the audience realize / understand / know / ...)

D. How do you want to present yourself in the story (list 3 adjectives)

My context - Greece 90’s economy about to go unstable, post communism

My purpose -
  • To laugh at myself and the situations I got myself into
  • To remind risk takers (with humor) that there is a reason “we don’t talk to strangers” just to be careful even when we think we are
  • To suggest that we take risks, have adventure, but have caution with whom we trust, trust should be earned over time

I want to present myself as the protagonist
  • Not the hero, but a side observer recapturing the craziness of what went down
  • A supporter in the rescue
  • A rational and reliable person who experienced fear and slowly learned to deal with that
  • A naive person who has learned from my mistakes

I want to present Paul, my antagonist as
  • Aggressive, arrogant, cantankerous, obsessive, a lunatic, lost, pompous, a bully, superficial, a parallel to mafia leaders

Writing a memoir

1. Log into your computer with your email and password.

2. Go to  and log in with your email address NOT YOUR PERSONAL GMAIL 

3. now go back to my blog and complete the  form

4. Make a copy of the Memoir document

Title it ____(Per) _________ Name __________Memoir

Example: 2 lee murdock memoir

Share with me at

Image result for writingImage result for writing
Image result for writing

Monday, September 19, 2016

Fist, Stick, Knife Gun

Book Progress Form 

Please complete the following questions on Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun

after completing your socratic on the Text. 

class code


Log out of your computer and log back in with your email address

Go to  and log in with your email address 

now go back to my blog and complete the 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Friday, September 9, 2016

Us & Them

This week we read Us & Them by David Sedaris.

Please finish reading (if you have not) and complete questions
1 , 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 and / or 17

Per. 1 Please Finish
Per. 1(0)
Class Code:HHKT667
Per. 2(0)
Class Code:GPWK494
Per. 5(0)
Class Code:FQVD672
Per. 6(0)

Class Code:UGVZ332

Us & Them

This week we read Us & Them by David Sedaris.

Please finish reading (if you have not) and complete questions
1 , 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 and / or 17

Per. 1 Please Finish
Per. 1(0)
Class Code:HHKT667
Per. 2(0)
Class Code:GPWK494
Per. 5(0)
Class Code:FQVD672
Per. 6(0)

Class Code:UGVZ332