Friday, April 27, 2018

Everest IMAX  by (1988) MacGillivary Freeman

Use note sheet to follow along the film

Everest Note Sheet

Controversial articles about Everesr

Sherpas Leave Everest

Bodies of Everest

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Article 6: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

1. Share your essay / power point slide comparing Techniques a short story writer and a film director used. You may compare Cask of Amontillado and Night of the Hunter and bring in additional stories for comparison to be graded up to an A.

- share w/ me at  - once you have this in, your grade will should be ok because it is weighted a lot.

- if you are confused e-mail me and share what you have started so far...

- Yes, you can fix grades, yes we can change grades once the assignments are in ...


and complete explaining the last quote.

Journals # 1 - 6 should be complete by Thursday, April 25, 2018.

Mr. Smith will let you know if #6 is required or extra credit.

Share with Mr. Smith at

3. Please read article 6: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone 

Please complete the following "quiz" on the article. You might want to talk to a partner about it.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Article #5: Solemn Warning Wingsuit Flyers Thursday 4/ 19 & Journal Entry Friday 4/ 20

Thursday April 19, 2018

1. Open up your  copy of the Extreme Sports Readings  
(Title it ___per ___name ___ extreme sports readings) 

2. Read Article 
          #5 - A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers
Jones, Lola. “A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers”. 28 Apr. 2010. Web. 15 July 2011.

3. Find a partner if you want to work with someone and complete the following
Reading Response Form on A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers


Copy and Paste the following prompt into your journal at the top

Quick write #4 - Friday, April 20, 2018
  1. Paraphrase each quote below  - what do you think it is saying?
  2. What extreme sports would you be most likely to try?
  3. Which quote closely aligns with how you feel about trying these activities? Explain why?
  4. Evidence: What in your life have you shown, done, believed that proves why you would be likely to do or not do these activities.
  1. “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.”
Rabindranath Tagore
2.  “Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing.”
Johann Friedrich Von Schiller
3. “I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.” Jack London

Monday, April 16, 2018

Article #4: Extreme Sports not about Risk Taking & charting the text

On Friday, you should have read Article #4: Extreme Sports not about Risk Taking 

Today, Monday, find a partner and work through the article again to complete the Assignment: charting the text Extreme Sports not about Risk Taking  - Due Tuesday, April 17, 2018 
+++ copy of the article is below the assignment ++++

left hand column: explain what the author is writing about in each paragraph / section 

right hand column: explain what the author wants is trying to get the reader to do, think, feel, understand 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, April 13, 2018

1. Quick write 

Today we are going to begin with some writing in your English Journal. This writing will directly prepare you for the end-of-unit writing task. 

  1. Open a tab with YOUR COPY of the  Extreme Sports and Risk Taking Journal
  2. Copy and paste the following prompt at the TOP of the journal
Quick write #3 - Friday, April 13, 2018 

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." -Sir Edmund 
  1. Explain what you think the quote means/is telling us. 
  2. Explain how the quote applies to the kids going to camp in the first article we read about extreme sports yesterday. Use an example from the article. 
  3. Explain how the quote may apply to your own life using an example you have experienced or observed someone experiencing (i.e. When have you see someone overcome a fear, phobia, negative thought to do something they didn't think was possible and what was it that helped them take that step?). 
NEXT, OPEN up YOUR COPY of the  copy of the Extreme Sports Readings  (Title it ___per ___name ___ extreme sports readings) DON'T SHARE THIS WITH ME. 

2. Get a head start for Monday and do a first read of  article#4: "Extreme Sports Not about Risk Taking"

3. EXTRA TIME?? Point Loma High wants to know about your lunching habits at school. Help them improve nutrition on campus by taking THIS SURVEY.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Wednesday April 11 & Thursday April 12, 2018 - Everyone takes risks - Is it worth it?

Everyone takes risks, but we are different in what lengths we will go to and why? 

1. Talk 
Find a partner or group of 3 

a. Share what is the riskiest sport or activity you have done. 
(you are sharing in school - keep it clean please!) Explain why you chose to do that activity. 
Do you regret or value the experience? why? 

b. What is the most challenging sport or activity you have ever done? 
Why was it challenging ? Were you successful? why or why not? 
How did you get through the event? What helped you the most? 

2. Make a copy of the Extreme Sports Readings  (Title it ___per ___name ___ extreme sports readings) DON'T SHARE THIS WITH ME. 

3.  Today we will do a first read of one of the extreme sports articles #4: "Camp for Kids with Autism Offers Extreme Therapy." 

1st Read: Read out loud with a partner. 

Partner A: Read 1st paragraph out loud - stop, react, add a question, what are you thinking. 

Partner B. Read 2nd paragraph out loud - stop, react, add a question, what are you thinking. 

Continue reading out loud and stopping to comment on the article. 

4. Remember ethos, pathos, and logos? 
In your second read, you and your partner will re-read the article a second time, annotating for ethos, pathos, and logos:

Need a refresher on ethos, pathos, logos ?  Our friend Ari can help with that! Watch the "Ari ordering pizza video" if you need to. 

3. Highlight the examples you find, but color code them: green for ETHOSblue for LOGOS, and lavender/purple for PATHOS.

4. Watch the video that covers the article of this camp ABC News also reported on this extreme camp.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Catch up Day

Please finish the article from yesterday.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018 Article 2: Extreme Sports & Risk Taking Bergland or Brown

Hello 9th grade, I am sorry I am still out. This week you will meet Mr. Smith who should be awesome and available for awhile until I get back. As many of you know, I am taking some time to care for my mother who is ill, my husband, who recently went into the hospital with a heart condition, and trying to take on most responsibilities at home. I miss you and care about you, but hope you will understand I need to take care of my family right now. I will be updating grades - I know many of you are waiting. Email me with questions or pass them on to Mr. Smith and I will get back to you. Work well, take care of your selves, have fun, but not too much fun....

Choose 1 of the following 2 articles to read

2. What Drives Extreme Athletes to Risk Lives by Christopher Bergland
Bergland , Christopher. "What Drives Extreme Athletes to Risk Life and Death?" Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers , 28 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Apr. 2017.


Brown , Eryn . "Why do extreme athletes like Dean Potter risk their lives?" Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 18 May 2015. Web. 11 Apr. 2017.

3. Assignment: Answer the questions at the end of Article #2 on Bergland or Brown - due Wednesday
Bergland is at the top of the document - a little bit more challenging of a read on those who climb Mnt. Everest
Brown is the second article underneath - an interesting article about a wing suiting

Assignments you should have completed last week:

Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

1. Go back to your extreme sports Journal and add the quick write below  to the top of your document, on top

If you never made an extreme sports doc - you can make a cop of this one 

Extreme Sports and Risk Taking Journal - Make your own copy 

Quick Write:
Explain the quote below and then write about the extent to which you agree or disagree with it.

“The proper function of man is to live, not exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” -Jack London 

2. Try the Post rhetorical strategies quiz  on your own!!!

3. Finish any assignments from the week you have not completed. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Thursday April 5, 2018 defining extreme sports

  1. Defining Extreme Sports Intro & Article #1 The World's Most dangerous Sports Assignment  Due Friday 4/6/18
  The World’s Most Dangerous Sports by Clare Davidson  
Davidson, Clare. “The World’s Most Dangerous Sports.” 7 Aug. 2008. Web. 6 

1. Get into a group of 4 - 6 people

2. Everyone make a copy of defining extreme sports document Defining Extreme Sports

3. Follow the prompts and answer as a group. Yes, everyone needs to type on their own document, but you are working together.

Most Dangerous Sports Infographic

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Previewing extreme sports Wednesday April 4, 2018

Your essays should be finished.. time to move on.. 

Image result for extreme sports

1. Grab a partner - Preview some Extreme sport videos with a partner & Fill out this Extreme sports questionnaire 

2. Start Risk Taking Quote Journal 

Open up a new Google Doc 
Title it ___(Per) ____________(First and last name) Extreme Sports & Risk Taking  

Share with me at 

Copy & paste the following into your English journal and respond 

1. What is the most extreme sport or activity you have done? Describe 

2. Quick write: “Security is a kind of death.”  -Tennessee Williams 

Explain the quote below in your own words. 

Then explain how much you agree or disagree with it.

3. Homework: Rhetorical Strategies Quiz - Please take in class or at home by Thursday 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Ready to Move on ....

Classwork / Homework :Assignment for Tuesday, April 3, 2018 After essay is done... 

1a. Find a book 150 - 300 Pages you would like to read. Please bring this book for Monday.

Use today to finish unfinished class work from before the break.

1. Review the terms Ethos, Pathos, & Logos using one of the following links or your own search.

2. Fun Quiz on Ethos, Pathos, Logos Then practice identifying Ethos, Pathos and logos by going to and plugging in the game code

3: Homework: Grab and Bring a book by Friday to read in class!


Ask your students to join game with this code at