Thursday, May 24, 2018

Period 6 Surveys

Skewes- Residential Choices

Wilt/Avendano/Barerra- Stress

Clementson/Quezadas- School Start Time

Sedgwick/Antonio/Giebink- Financial Education

Harden/Lesic- Athletics

Cuevas/Burns-Lewis- Mental Health

Gardner/Smith- Early Hours

Pimentel/Nieto- Phones/Video Games

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Period 3 Surveys

Freeman- Social Media

Smith- Drug Use

Cannon/Vales- Stress

Santos/Myers- Couples Age

Morwood/Bauer- Stress

Eisenmann/Fritzges- Drugs and Academics 

Klinger/Collins- Lack of Education

Ebbah/Musial- Alcohol/Drug Addiction

Badet/Teixeira- Under Age Drinking

Eagle/Haynes- Phone Addiction

Carey/Dukes- Screen Time

Sables- Sleep

Manning/Melendez- Stress

Allen/Adams- School Shooting

Faulstich- Stress

Balalio/Kupiec- Social Media

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Part 2 and 3 of Final Project

Creating a Google Form for your survey:
- Go to (make sure you are signed into your school account)
- At the top left of the screen click "New", scroll down to "More"
-Select "Google Forms" (with Purple Square)

Part II

Part III 

Choose a format to present the problem, evidence, causes, effects, and your solutions

  • Letter of Proposal for more funding
              example Letter of Proposal (sample Letter & Rubric included)

  • Feature article
                sample feature article on anorexia
  • Brochure (with the following elements  in the chart Below)
                         example brochure & educational quiz (cyberbullying)
  • Infographic (digital poster)  (with the following elements  in the chart Below)
                      example infographic healthy eating
                       Design your own infographic at

  • Powerpoint   (with the following elements  in the chart Below)

                           example educational powerpoint (teen temptation)

  • Video  (with the following elements  in the chart Below)

Your project should include

Problem / Issue of Concern
  • Question you are exploring
  • & Definition and / or  description of the problem
  • Who is affected (statistics)
  • reasons for choosing (why is this important to investigate)
Evidence & Research
  • Extent of problem To what extent is this an issue? (statistics)
  • Reasons / causes / influences to this problem (data and research )
  • Effects: short & long term effects on students (physical, mental, psychological, effect on community, other…)
  • Next Steps …. Creative Message:Why is this information important to know? What specific steps do we need to take? Recommendations?
  • Why? What is at Risk if we don’t take these steps?
(graphs, pictures, pie charts,statistics in large font)
Personal Reflection (on back)
  • What did you research answer? What questions are left? What would you do differently?
Works Cited list
see example
Final Examples of projects

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Final Project Outline

Whole Project Outline assignment linked here

Final Project: Design Your own Research Project (include proposal, survey, analysis of data results, informative educational piece)
Part I  

1. Choose problem  / issue of concern Sample Issues that might be worth exploring

Project Submission Form - Do NOT submit form, write down answers on a separate document and share with me

2. Creating Your own survey

Share with me your survey link -Due Sunday the 20th

3. EVALUATEYOUR OWN SURVEY (Monday the 21st for Period 3 and Tuesday the 22nd for Period 6) 

4. Take each others surveys on Wednesday for 3rd Period and Thursday for 6th Period. Send them to me at the beginning of the block schedule period and I will link them to the blog. We will help each other gather data.

Monday, May 14, 2018


School Survey

This survey will be used for your end of the unit project.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Data

2.  Quantitative Data vs. Qualitative Data (pre - project)
Find a team of 2
Academic Honesty Qualitative Data 
2. Collaboratively write about the data with your team Writing about Data

Quantitative data is information about quantities; that is, information that can be measured and written down with numbers. Some examples of quantitative data are your height, your shoe size, and the length of your fingernails.

Qualitative data / research is a method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, including in the social sciences and natural sciences, and market research, business, and  non-profits.

There are a variety of methods of data collection in qualitative research, including observations, textual or visual analysis (eg from books or videos) and interviews (individual or group). However, the most common methods used, particularly in healthcare research, are interviews and focus groups.


Examine the Data

  1. Writing about Data: Examining our own data and writing about it academically
  • Find a team of 2 - 3 & Divide the following Data Analysis Questions
  • Examine the following data on Academic Honesty Data with your team
  • Answer the questions on one document that is shared with one person on your team.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Cheaters Still Rising

Today, you and (possibly) a partner are going to complete a SOAPSTone analysis chart for "Cheating on the Rise Among High School Students." Create a SOAPSTone chart (similar to the one pictured below) on a new document.

Text Component
“Cheating on the Rise Among High School Students”

What is the subject or topic of the piece?
What theme or big idea do you see?
What is this piece about?

What event or occasion do you think caused the author to write this piece?
Immediate event? Larger event in society / world that may have influenced?

To whom is the author writing? How do you know?
What does the author want you to believe or understand?
What is the purpose of the text?
What do we know about the speaker?
How does his/her background affect his point of view on the subject? Education?  Roles in society? Beliefs? Values?
What is the attitude of the speaker or writer as revealed by the choice of vocabulary?
Tone words: academic, formal, informal, sarcastic, humorous, informative, reflective,  persuasive, casual, argumentative, passionate, cautionary, condescending, respectful,  etc.

THEN, you and (possibly) your partner will collaborate to write a rhetorical precis for the text. You may choose to work alone or in pairs. Please complete your precis on a single sheet of lined paper. Be sure both of you contribute your handwriting!

Below are a few supports and reminders:

Sentence 1:  Note the name of the author, the genre and title of the work, and the 
publication date in parentheses; a rhetorically accurate verb; and a "that clause" containing the major assertion or thesis statement in the work.

Sentence 2: An explanation of how the author develops and supports the thesis, usually in chronological order.

Sentence 3: A statement of the author’s apparent purpose, followed by an “in order to” phrase.

Sentence 4: A description of the intended audience, the relationship the author establishes with the audience, or both.

For you visual learners, here is a frame of what each sentence should look like:

And here are definitions for each part of the frame:

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

"Rise of the Cheaters"

Today you and a partner will be previewing, and then ultimately reading an article about academic honesty in America.

1. With your partner, one of you will open the document 
Cheating on the Rise

2. Whichever partner opens the document will need to name it, and share it with the OTHER PARTNER and with the Mr. Smith.

3. With your partner, complete the "Surveying the Text" (pages 2-3 of the document). Remember, you are only previewing the text at this point, not reading the whole thing. Also remember that you are taking notes on what your partner thinks, in the chart, based on your discussion.

4. Once you have finished surveying the text, you and your partner will read the text, "Cheating on the Rise Among High School Students."

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Academic Honesty Survey

Finish yesterdays group reading assignment

Then we will complete another servery. This time it is relevant to you and our school

Today we are beginning a unit where we are going to study trends in academic honesty, cheating, and ethics among high school students. We will study some national and international trends, and compare them to trends we see at PLHS. Eventually, you will write about our findings. In order to collect the data that we are going to analyze, today you will take an anonymous survey about academic honesty.

Academic Honest Policy

Monday, May 7, 2018

Monday 5/7

Make sure to complete the Survey  (Due Today)

Since we just completed a unit, today would be a good day for a writing competition! Today's competition is going to give you the opportunity to practice your argumentative writing skills about a topic that interests you.

Follow the steps below:

1. Write as much as you can for 15 minutes in your English Journal about a current "hot topic" that interests you. Make a clear claim about your opinion on the topic, then support it with reasons and evidence. Not sure what to write about? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Does technology make us more alone?
  • What should be done to curb cyberbullying?
  • What is more important: our privacy or national security?
  • What should be done to prevent gun violence in schools?
  • Is academic honesty a problem at our school?
  • Should computers become the primary way that students learn in class?

2. Share with a group of 3 or 4. We will do this by CAREFULLY passing the Chromebooks.

3. Table groups will select the most successful.

4. I'll choose the overall classroom winner of the day!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Everest IMAX  by (1988) MacGillivary Freeman

Use note sheet to follow along the film

Everest Note Sheet

Controversial articles about Everesr

Sherpas Leave Everest

Bodies of Everest

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Article 6: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

1. Share your essay / power point slide comparing Techniques a short story writer and a film director used. You may compare Cask of Amontillado and Night of the Hunter and bring in additional stories for comparison to be graded up to an A.

- share w/ me at  - once you have this in, your grade will should be ok because it is weighted a lot.

- if you are confused e-mail me and share what you have started so far...

- Yes, you can fix grades, yes we can change grades once the assignments are in ...


and complete explaining the last quote.

Journals # 1 - 6 should be complete by Thursday, April 25, 2018.

Mr. Smith will let you know if #6 is required or extra credit.

Share with Mr. Smith at

3. Please read article 6: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone 

Please complete the following "quiz" on the article. You might want to talk to a partner about it.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Article #5: Solemn Warning Wingsuit Flyers Thursday 4/ 19 & Journal Entry Friday 4/ 20

Thursday April 19, 2018

1. Open up your  copy of the Extreme Sports Readings  
(Title it ___per ___name ___ extreme sports readings) 

2. Read Article 
          #5 - A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers
Jones, Lola. “A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers”. 28 Apr. 2010. Web. 15 July 2011.

3. Find a partner if you want to work with someone and complete the following
Reading Response Form on A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers


Copy and Paste the following prompt into your journal at the top

Quick write #4 - Friday, April 20, 2018
  1. Paraphrase each quote below  - what do you think it is saying?
  2. What extreme sports would you be most likely to try?
  3. Which quote closely aligns with how you feel about trying these activities? Explain why?
  4. Evidence: What in your life have you shown, done, believed that proves why you would be likely to do or not do these activities.
  1. “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.”
Rabindranath Tagore
2.  “Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing.”
Johann Friedrich Von Schiller
3. “I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.” Jack London

Monday, April 16, 2018

Article #4: Extreme Sports not about Risk Taking & charting the text

On Friday, you should have read Article #4: Extreme Sports not about Risk Taking 

Today, Monday, find a partner and work through the article again to complete the Assignment: charting the text Extreme Sports not about Risk Taking  - Due Tuesday, April 17, 2018 
+++ copy of the article is below the assignment ++++

left hand column: explain what the author is writing about in each paragraph / section 

right hand column: explain what the author wants is trying to get the reader to do, think, feel, understand 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, April 13, 2018

1. Quick write 

Today we are going to begin with some writing in your English Journal. This writing will directly prepare you for the end-of-unit writing task. 

  1. Open a tab with YOUR COPY of the  Extreme Sports and Risk Taking Journal
  2. Copy and paste the following prompt at the TOP of the journal
Quick write #3 - Friday, April 13, 2018 

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." -Sir Edmund 
  1. Explain what you think the quote means/is telling us. 
  2. Explain how the quote applies to the kids going to camp in the first article we read about extreme sports yesterday. Use an example from the article. 
  3. Explain how the quote may apply to your own life using an example you have experienced or observed someone experiencing (i.e. When have you see someone overcome a fear, phobia, negative thought to do something they didn't think was possible and what was it that helped them take that step?). 
NEXT, OPEN up YOUR COPY of the  copy of the Extreme Sports Readings  (Title it ___per ___name ___ extreme sports readings) DON'T SHARE THIS WITH ME. 

2. Get a head start for Monday and do a first read of  article#4: "Extreme Sports Not about Risk Taking"

3. EXTRA TIME?? Point Loma High wants to know about your lunching habits at school. Help them improve nutrition on campus by taking THIS SURVEY.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Wednesday April 11 & Thursday April 12, 2018 - Everyone takes risks - Is it worth it?

Everyone takes risks, but we are different in what lengths we will go to and why? 

1. Talk 
Find a partner or group of 3 

a. Share what is the riskiest sport or activity you have done. 
(you are sharing in school - keep it clean please!) Explain why you chose to do that activity. 
Do you regret or value the experience? why? 

b. What is the most challenging sport or activity you have ever done? 
Why was it challenging ? Were you successful? why or why not? 
How did you get through the event? What helped you the most? 

2. Make a copy of the Extreme Sports Readings  (Title it ___per ___name ___ extreme sports readings) DON'T SHARE THIS WITH ME. 

3.  Today we will do a first read of one of the extreme sports articles #4: "Camp for Kids with Autism Offers Extreme Therapy." 

1st Read: Read out loud with a partner. 

Partner A: Read 1st paragraph out loud - stop, react, add a question, what are you thinking. 

Partner B. Read 2nd paragraph out loud - stop, react, add a question, what are you thinking. 

Continue reading out loud and stopping to comment on the article. 

4. Remember ethos, pathos, and logos? 
In your second read, you and your partner will re-read the article a second time, annotating for ethos, pathos, and logos:

Need a refresher on ethos, pathos, logos ?  Our friend Ari can help with that! Watch the "Ari ordering pizza video" if you need to. 

3. Highlight the examples you find, but color code them: green for ETHOSblue for LOGOS, and lavender/purple for PATHOS.

4. Watch the video that covers the article of this camp ABC News also reported on this extreme camp.