Monday, December 11, 2017

Privacy Vs. Safety

Handouts of Hard copies will be given out in class, but if you are absent, you can start working on the first assignment.

Privacy Vs. safety - Where do you Stand? - Should  complete by end of class Monday

The Undercover Parent by Harlan Coben 


  • # paragraphs 
  • main argument / claim 
  • supporting points 
  • counterclaim / counterargument 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Setting Monday's assignment

Monday's assignment 

Setting and Ms. Havisham assignment 

1. Take notes on setting 

2. Read the story stopping to analyze the mood and setting 

Make a copy (File ... make a copy) 

share with me 

Due by Tuesday 12 / 5 / 17 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Style & Devices

Diction (word choice) creates attitude (tone of author) and mood (feeling for the reader) 

connotation - emotional feel of the words 

Diction analytical paragraph Victor Villasenor 

Mood and Tone Quiz 

Mood and Tone words

Ask your students to open
and enter the code

A Very Old Man with Wings

A very old man with Wings partner review 

Common literary symbols and their meaning 

Tone & Mood words

Sensory Details List 
Sensory Details (what your reader can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel) helps to bring your reader into the story.

End of Novel Quiz  Part II

Please take the Reading the Novel Quiz  Part I

Please make sure your character / conflict projects are shared with me at

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Reading inventory

Next, please take the reading inventory 

Afterwards, check your grade and make sure everything is shared. If you are interested in retaking the literary terms test you can.

Request a regrade link is now up in the right hand corner under important links / resources

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Create a timeline of significant events for your book

Identifying 6 Significant Events in the first 1/3 pages of your novel
In novels, significant events are often revealed through the exposition (initial information) & rising action (series of conflicts)

  1. What is the main goal or problem that the character (s) is / are facing? 
  2. Is a character’s actions affecting the plot, determining their next outcome? 
  3. Who or what antagonizes the character? Who goes against the main character in their goals and why? 
  4. Does the character struggle with internal problems (guilt, making a decision, their past, how they view themselves) 
  5. Does the character struggle with external forces (people / antagonists? Physical: weather, problem to solve)
  6. Does the character struggle with society? (poverty, ideas they disagree with) 
  7. Heavy Literary Devices Does the setting overshadow the character at any point? What feeling does this create for the character or reader?  Does the event seem to foreshadow / warn that similar events will follow? 
  8. Who supports the main character (s) in their goal? Do they have a new problem? 
  9. Note if anything (a saying, idea, action) is being repeated? 
  10. Do any of the character’s actions go against your own instincts? (feeling uncomfortable or “weirded out”) 




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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Visual Memoir Project Due Monday 10 / 16

Visual Memoir Rubric

Friday: Last edits to memoir should be completed by Sunday 1:00 pm

Start on Visual Memoirs today. They should be completed Monday

10 sentences & 1 hand drawn picture or painting or 10 photos to match your events.
Part II: Visual Memoir Project

Directions: Now that you have written a story you have captured in time, you will retell this story visually. You may choose from the following choices

A. Create a visual memoir condensing your story in 10 pictures and 10 phrases or sentences

  1. Create a google slide deck of your memoir in 10 pictures or more with captions of the events / moments throughout the memoir 
  2. Create a painting or sketch of the memory of the event with a paragraph explaining the visual in one paragraph.
  3. You may create a comic version of your memoir
Try Comic life (sign up for free trial) print out or share through email (
  1. Create a podcast explaining your memoir - explaining the story and its significance
  2. Create a video of your memoir - with the google slides, iphone (upload to you tube private share with certain people or bring in on a jump drive)
  3. Create a physical visual photo / memory book of your memoir with captions of the significance of each moment of the event.
  4. Create a narrative poem of your memoir with a visual
  5. Create a song capturing your memoir and perform it for the class. Include a paragraph explaining what you went through in each stanza and
  6. Create dance moves that express the emotional journey of your memoir w/ paragraph or small speech explaining how the moves relate to the story
  7. Create a soundtrack for your memoir. Divide your memoir into 4-6 moments, then choose a song for each moment. Burn the songs onto a CD or click links to them. Describe why this songs fits the scene of your memoir in a couple of sentences for each moment.
  8. Other creative ideas

Visual Memoirs should have a written reflection or presentation 

Analytical Paragraph for all assignments 
  • Analytical Paragraph for all assignments
  1. What is the focus / subject of your memoir? What is your purpose for writing this story?
  2. What emotions did you experience in this story? 
  3. What did you struggle with? How is this revealed in your picture?
  4. How do the images convey the emotion and complexity of your journey? (i.e. why did you choose these pictures)
  5. What image conveys the realization?
  6. If you were to share your written and visual memoir, who would be your audience and why?
  7. Why did you choose this medium / format  to retell your story?
  8. If a class were seeing your memoir on a public post, what do you think they would say? What do you hope they would say? 

Friday, September 29, 2017

Memoir Writing

Memoir Document  Image result for memoir

Sample Comments (What to look for and how to sample comments)

What to Do
Description of the event is in the moment, slow motion, detailed... (walking past the window, I see….)

Description of people & places are included

Description includes emotional experience
Description of the moment is only in simple past tense
I walked in the door and was afraid.

Description is limited
Description can be more visual, sensory
Dialogue, correctly punctuated
        “And then I realized (sigh) that he lied to me.”
                 “Without the truth... ” my friend, Matt, shook his head, “I don’t think we can save him.”
        I cocked my head and realized with horror that I might have to leave HIM for good. “Yeeeesss,” I slowly agreed as if a robot had taken control of my brain.

Incorrectly punctuated dialogue.
      I told my friend I would have to leave him. My friend agreed with me. He said, “without the truth, I don’t think we can save him.” I agreed. “Yes”
Lively Language
  • Dialogue w/ dialogue tags “You need to go now!” She screamed at me with desperation, her eyes screaming with rage as she bolted towards me, her legs moving faster than lightening.

  • sensory details - The breath rushed out of me quickly, instantly and I was filled with an unknown coldness

  • strong verbs: I fell vs. tumbled down the street

  • Language is excellent in places not in others, needs to be more consistent
  • Language is average, could be more descriptive,
  • Language is weak and vague
I remember
In hindsight
Thinking now about the event
Reflection is strong because its layered throughout the memoir more than once

Reflection is thoughtful, but only mentioned once at the end
Reflection is limited or nonexistent
Editing is strong
Grammar is consistent
Spelling and sentences are complete
The scenes are paragraphed whenever the topic switches, people switch talking, scene or time changes
The paper has many mistakes
Grammar is inconsistent (I walked down the street and saw my grandfather. Walking up to him, I said I wanted to go with him.)
Spelling errors
Sentences have run - ons or are incomplete
Little or no paragraphing
Structure is clear and easy to follow
Structure and organization is confusing
I want to read more because I am curious about this event
I want to read more because I don’t know enough or am confused by the information given

Sample Memoirs 

Italian Journey 

The Plane Ride 

A confrontation 

Memoir Rubric  You should have a completed rough draft by Friday 10 / 6 
and a polished final draft by Monday 10 / 9

This week we will begin adding and revising to our memoir.

Monday - Add Dialogue and Explode a moment to your memoir
Tuesday - Add reflection 
Wednesday - check to see if you have enough paragraphing 

Dialogue Quiz 

Words to use instead of said 

Exploding a Moment 


Reflection sign in

Rules of Paragraphing 

Today, we will begin writing a final memoir that responds to the following prompt

As we go through life we all have experiences that shape us, teach us, or show us who we are. What has life taught you? How have you learned those lessons? Who has impacted your life the most? These are the moments that become memoirs, the emotions that shape our personalities and the realizations that shape our opinions.

Write about an event in your life that has shaped you as a person, taught you something, or showed you how things really are.
Word Count: 700 - 1000 words  

Begin Writing your 3rd / final memoir. You should have a rough draft by Friday.

Rules for Dialogue

  1. Use quotation marks “ ” to show the characters’ own words.
  2. Always begin a new paragraph when the speaker changes.
  3. Use commas to separate most quotations from the rest of the sentence.
  4. The punctuation in dialogue is always inside of the quotation marks.
Include: Dialogue with
- Dialogue Tags (description of physical action around the dialogue. Information about speakers actions, facial expressions, movements, feelings or other character's reactions, emotions)

Use Dialogue Tags / Beats to show emotion A beat is a description of a physical action that falls between lines of dialogue. It aids the reader in “seeing” the scene.

"How do you not know this?" I ask.

I look at them like they're stupid. "How do you not know this?"

Facial Expressions: “And a place in Beverly Hills.” She cocks her eyebrow. 

Movement: “Be there or Be-ware!” she said, and slammed the phone down. (243) – Dead End in Norvelt.

Use adverbs   "What do you mean?" I asked warily.
"I mean you're grounded," she said forcefully. It was at this moment when….

Image result for adverbsImage result for adverbs

Use Contractions: people say “don’t” instead of “do not,” unless emphasizing

“Timmy, don’t touch the skunk, I warned” 

Paraverbal / Using Punctuation (How we say what we say)
Polly Horvath’s One Year in Coal Harbor and notice how she emphasizes certain words to increase the emotion of the dialogue.
“Oh really? Well where does he think I went to cooking school?”
“I don’t think he thinks you did.  I think he thinks you just, you know, picked it up.”
“PICKED IT UP?” Miss Bowzer’s eyes were afire and her neck was getting blotches of red.  Maybe I’d gone too far.
“You know, like, on the street.”
“ON THE STREET? I’ll have him know I went to the Cordon Bleu in Paris for an entire semester!” (42)
Use subtextexplain why the dialogue was memorable or meaningful
In my essay, “Drunk Man,” I recall the time my father offered to buy a local man with a drinking problem a meal. “C’mon, Odie,” he said. “Let’s get you something to eat.”
Odie picked up right away on the thing not said and the judgment it carried. “I don’t need no handout. Let me out of this damn truck.”

Use Elipsis (…) or Dashes (--) to note silence or hesitation
“After what happened… after what I did…” She finds her mouth is dry.  She remembers her soda, takes a swig.

Beware Exclamation Points: Overusing exclamation points becomes annoying

Information Dumps: Keep Dialogue short

Filler Words: like “ah,” “uh,” and “um.” Take up unneeded space.

Paragraph Structure: Give each character in the conversation his own paragraph

Do we make stuff up?

Spoken speech isn’t written speech. Even memoirs require a little shaping when it comes to dialogue. Sometimes we have someone say a line (something we “remember” them saying) even if we’re not sure he or she said it at that exact time. Sometimes we give the line a little something extra by combining things we remember someone saying. Maybe we let a character use a pet name that he or she always had for us. Maybe we make the speech a little less or a little more formal than it might have been. Maybe we take liberties in service of the work a particular scene is trying to do. Maybe we mess things up a bit. Everyday speech usually isn’t without a little mess. We do what we can to convince our readers that our characters said what we say they did even if they really didn’t. Sometimes we rearrange, add, and subtract. We remember that our dialogue has to have the feel of reality, and sometimes to do that, we give ourselves permission to make stuff up—not to the point that we change the essence of who someone was or the experience that we’re recalling. We don’t lie. We shape. There, I’ve said it.

Room Name: 0453

Monday, September 11, 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017

Homework for Us & Them (1 paragraph)

3. Create a new document titled
____(Per. ) ________( first and last name) Memoir
share with me at
or make a copy of the sample one

2. What Themes apply to "Us and Them" give evidence in your notebook

1. Homework Paragraph due Monday: 9 / 11
Prompt: Consider how the author uses characterization. What does the narrator / author learn about himself and how does he reveal this realization in his memoir?
  • TAG (Title, author, genre) + main idea
In the _______(short story), “_____________” (title), ___________ (author) writes about ____ (overview)

  • Throughout the story the character (discuss main conflict)
  • The character first feels __________, as he writes, “_______________” revealing that he is____
  • Sedaris’s next problem occurs when he “______________”(behavior, words, reaction), which hints to the audience that he is … because / due to …..
  • David’s last encounter, thought action reveals he is _________ when he describes ____
  • Although David states he is ________, he is truly _______ due to ________
  • David only realizes later, as an adult, that ….

Head's up for Monday... Pick your favorite paragraph from “Us & Them”: write about your own awkward or shameful experience borrowing from Sedaris’ style