1. Please complete the survey for Homework
Students log in using your student ID.
2. Please complete analyzing the quotes that reveal Connie's personality. Connie assignment
2. Please complete analyzing the quotes that reveal Connie's personality. Connie assignment
2. Last edits on written memoir being accepted.
3. Continue working on Visual memoir.
Part II: Visual Memoir Project
Directions: Now that you have written a story you have captured in time, you will retell this story visually. You may choose from the following choices
- Create a visual slidedeck of your memoir in 10 pictures or more with captions of the events / moments throughout the memoir
- Create a painting or sketch of the memory of the event with a paragraph explaining the visual in one paragraph.
- You may create a comic version of your memoir
Try https://plasq.com/apps/comiclife/macwin/ Comic life (sign up for free trial) print out or share through email (jmurphy@sandi.net)
- Create a podcast explaining your memoir - explaining the story and its significance
- Create a video of your memoir - with the google slides, iphone (upload to you tube private share with certain people or bring in on a jump drive)
- Create a physical visual photo / memory book of your memoir with captions of the significance of each moment of the event.
- Create a narrative poem of your memoir with a visual
- Create a song capturing your memoir and perform it for the class. Include a paragraph explaining what you went through in each stanza and
- Create dance moves that express the emotional journey of your memoir w/ paragraph or small speech explaining how the moves relate to the story
- Create a soundtrack for your memoir. Divide your memoir into 4-6 moments, then choose a song for each moment. Burn the songs onto a CD or click links to them. Describe why this songs fits the scene of your memoir in a couple of sentences for each moment. O