Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, April 13, 2018

1. Quick write 

Today we are going to begin with some writing in your English Journal. This writing will directly prepare you for the end-of-unit writing task. 

  1. Open a tab with YOUR COPY of the  Extreme Sports and Risk Taking Journal
  2. Copy and paste the following prompt at the TOP of the journal
Quick write #3 - Friday, April 13, 2018 

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." -Sir Edmund 
  1. Explain what you think the quote means/is telling us. 
  2. Explain how the quote applies to the kids going to camp in the first article we read about extreme sports yesterday. Use an example from the article. 
  3. Explain how the quote may apply to your own life using an example you have experienced or observed someone experiencing (i.e. When have you see someone overcome a fear, phobia, negative thought to do something they didn't think was possible and what was it that helped them take that step?). 
NEXT, OPEN up YOUR COPY of the  copy of the Extreme Sports Readings  (Title it ___per ___name ___ extreme sports readings) DON'T SHARE THIS WITH ME. 

2. Get a head start for Monday and do a first read of  article#4: "Extreme Sports Not about Risk Taking"

3. EXTRA TIME?? Point Loma High wants to know about your lunching habits at school. Help them improve nutrition on campus by taking THIS SURVEY.