Monday's assignment: January 8
You may complete #1 & #2 online OR on paper in your hip hop packets.
1. Vocabulary for Hip Hop article you can also work on paper
1 Please complete the vocabulary on
page 3 in your Hip Hop packets. You may choose to complete this online or in
your packet. You will be completing column 3 (examples) and column 4
(sentences). This is due Tuesday, January 9th
1 Then start pg. 4 Making predictions
and Answering questions in your packet. This is due end of class Tuesday, January 9th. The
article is located towards the end of the packet.
Extra packets are located by the
bookshelf or on my desk where students sit.
How do different genres of music affect the world - Report your findings in graded discussion
Exploring ideas around Hip Hop
Building, Expanding our own conclusions about hip hop
A short introduction to Hip Hop - Understanding the background of Hip Hop
Background of
Hip Hop Videos (VH1's "And You Don't Stop 30 Years of Hip Hop)